The 12th Military Airfield Maintenance Unit, operating since 1951, is directly subordinate to the Chief Inspectorate of Armed Forces Support in Bydgoszcz. Its main task is to manage airport buildings, including investments, renovations, and environmental protection. The organization coordinates the preparation of military infrastructure.
Status: Completed
Project: Design and construction of a water supply and sewage network with necessary connections, as well as a heating network with heat substations at the military complex 8602 in Legionowo.
Client: 12th Military Airfield Maintenance Unit in Warsaw
Completion period: 07.12.2015 r. – 24.08.2017 r.
Scope of work:
• Adjustment of network layout to remove conflicts with planned infrastructure
• Construction of a new pre-insulated high-parameter heat network, connected to the municipal heating network
• Installation of a compact heat substation in building No. 7
• Construction of heating connections to buildings for temporary use, including installation of shut-off valves for future building connections
• Construction of a new sanitary sewage network
• Construction of a sanitary sewage pumping station with electrical connections
• Installation of sanitary sewage connections to buildings in use
• Construction of a new stormwater drainage network
• Construction of stormwater retention tanks and a rainwater pumping station with oil separator and solid sedimentation chamber
• Construction of a new water supply network with necessary fire protection measures
• Installation of water connections to buildings in use
• Execution of necessary demolitions and removal of conflicts with existing infrastructure intended for future use.
• Adjustment of network layout to remove conflicts with planned infrastructure
• Construction of a new pre-insulated high-parameter heat network, connected to the municipal heating network
• Installation of a compact heat substation in building No. 7
• Construction of heating connections to buildings for temporary use, including installation of shut-off valves for future building connections
• Construction of a new sanitary sewage network
• Construction of a sanitary sewage pumping station with electrical connections
• Installation of sanitary sewage connections to buildings in use
• Construction of a new stormwater drainage network
• Construction of stormwater retention tanks and a rainwater pumping station with oil separator and solid sedimentation chamber
• Construction of a new water supply network with necessary fire protection measures
• Installation of water connections to buildings in use
• Execution of necessary demolitions and removal of conflicts with existing infrastructure intended for future use.