Status: Completed
Project: Design, implementation, delivery, testing, and deployment of functional changes in the Integrated Border Management System CAIFS II.
Client: Customs and Tax Administration Office in Rzeszów
Contractor: Pentacomp Systemy Informatyczne SA (leader) in consortium with T4B Sp. z o.o.
Contract Value: 740 000 PLN
Completion period: 3.11.2017 r. - 29.03.2018 r.
Scope of work:
Modernization of the Integrated Border Management System CAIFS II
• Functional changes in subsystems
• Diagnostics and bug fixing
• Adaptation to legal changes
Modernization of the Integrated Border Management System CAIFS II
• Functional changes in subsystems
• Diagnostics and bug fixing
• Adaptation to legal changes
Additional information:
The changes introduced under this contract significantly expanded or modernized the existing functionalities of the CAIFS II Border Management System.
The changes introduced under this contract significantly expanded or modernized the existing functionalities of the CAIFS II Border Management System.