Status: Completed
Project: Waste segregation verification system, including the delivery of tools enabling the control of selective waste collection
Client: Ciechanów City Hall
Contractor: T4B sp. z o.o.
Contract Value: 250 tys. PLN
Completion period: 19.06.2020 r. - 31.08.2020 r.
Scope of work:
• Delivery of tools enabling control of selective waste collection for multi-family residential buildings,
• Management of the waste verification system,
• Execution of necessary construction works.
• Delivery of tools enabling control of selective waste collection for multi-family residential buildings,
• Management of the waste verification system,
• Execution of necessary construction works.
Additional information:
T-Master's intelligent devices are the first self-service waste containers in Poland. The automatic lids of ELMO containers (Electronic Municipal Waste Counter) open after scanning the QR code attached to the waste bag. Color-coded lights and friendly voice prompts make the system easy for residents to use. As part of the T-Master technology implementation, a CCTV system is also typically installed. This additional monitoring enhances residents' sense of security and helps maintain cleanliness around the containers.
T-Master's intelligent devices are the first self-service waste containers in Poland. The automatic lids of ELMO containers (Electronic Municipal Waste Counter) open after scanning the QR code attached to the waste bag. Color-coded lights and friendly voice prompts make the system easy for residents to use. As part of the T-Master technology implementation, a CCTV system is also typically installed. This additional monitoring enhances residents' sense of security and helps maintain cleanliness around the containers.